Comic Relief 2013
14th February 2013
Do Something Funny for Money. That's what Red Nose Day asks us to do. After years of making a total fool of myself, this year I've agreed to take part in Let's Dance for Comic Relief with Ore Oduba. So expect more of the same again. Ore and I first met while working on Newsround together. We then went on co-present British Olympic Dreams and we're sticking with BBC One for our third show together. Only this time, it will be live on a Saturday night and instead of presenting, we'll be showing the nation how much rhythm we have (!)

Before rehearsals started, I thought Indian dancing training in my youth would help. Let me tell you, it doesn't. But at least we'll be having lots of fun! All we want is for the audience to be entertained and inspired to help raise a life-changing amount of money for people living incredibly tough lives both here in the UK and in Africa
Visit the Comic Relief website for more details about the show and find out how you can donate
This is how Let's Dance for Comic Relief 2013 will play out:
Three heats will take place on 16th February, 23th February and 2nd March, with the grand final taking place on 9th March.
Each heat will feature five celebrity acts. The act with the most viewer’s votes each week will for through to the final along with a runner up from each week, selected by the judges.
Ore and I will be performing to Outkast's Hey Ya in the last heat on 2nd March. The show begins this Saturday night on BBC One - tune in if you want a laugh!